First, a new matrix inversion lemma is given, then using the lemma and from Newton iterative algorithm the new recursive algorithm is deduced. 给出了一种新的矩阵求逆引理,从Newton迭代法入手,推导出新型递推学习算法。
By employing the matrix inversion lemma and the block-partitioned matrix inversion lemma, two kinds of iteratively sequential time-frequency equalization are proposed to combat the inter-symbol interference and inter-carrier interference caused by the dispersive and fading channels. 分别利用矩阵求逆引理与分块矩阵求逆引理,提出了两种基于最大信干噪比准则的串行迭代时频均衡器,以克服由时频弥散衰落信道带来的码间干扰和载波间干扰。